Bows of Burning Gold Centenary Edition
Bows of Burning Gold Centenary Edition depicts the rich tapestry of life in the WI over the past one hundred years. A social history of the twentieth century, it illustrates the remarkable contribution that women have made to society and the changes they have brought about in their local communities since the first WI meeting in Anglesey in 1915.
This book is written in an informal, approachable style by one of our members, Helen Carey OBE DL. Each year has its own page with specific events and a resolution from that year and there is additional information about Denman College, the WI in Wales, ACWW, WI and Country Markets.
Bows of Burning Gold Centenary Edition provides a source of useful information for longstanding, new and potential members and promotes the continuing importance of the organisation to the general public.
Copies are available from our WI at a price of £9.99.