Craft Group July 2024 – Quilling

Twelve enthusiastic members of the craft group came along to learn the art of quilling from one of our own members. Sue had organised the afternoon so very well. We each had a pack of all we needed to make a card and we had splendid instructions so everybody was able to complete a card to take home.

It is quite simple, but one does need patience and nimble fingers. After a time we all managed very well and had great fun choosing our flower colour and plant pot shape. It was amazing to see the difference in each card, as individuals each choose their own colours and sticky words.

Well done Sue, and thanks again to Joan who became our tea lady for the afternoon.

July 2024 – Subgroup meetings

The Book Club met to discuss The Library by Bella Osborne. This was quite a change from recent reads – a much less complicated story about the supportive relationship which develops between a teenage boy and a librarian. The group enjoyed the book and gave is a score of 8 out of 10.

The Craft Group had another really good meeting on the topic of Quilling – see separate post for this.

Walking Group went on one of their favourite walks from Acton Bridge – along the canal and the River Weaver, with a lunch at the Riverside.

Details on Art Group and Baking Beauties to follow

Main Meeting – July 2024 – Honey Bees

Julia Young spoke to us at our July meeting with tales of sex, violence and adulteration in the life of the honeybee.

Members got to look first hand at the intricate honeycomb made from beeswax that the bees use to store their food and raise their grubs. Julia is also a registered ‘swarm’ collector and is on hand to remove honeybees that have swarmed in the most peculiar places, including the back window of a car!

Julia had brought some of her pure honey to sell and informed us that not all honey is equal and the vast proportion of the honey for sale in supermarkets is adulterated with sugar syrup. Her jars were very popular!

June 2024 Subgroup meetings

Most of our subgroups took a break this month – a popular time for holidays! The Baking Beauties did meet to share their ‘Something Fruity’ bakes.