Feb 2025 – Main Meeting

It was good to see everyone again after having to meet on Zoom in January due to the extreme weather. We had the best turnout in a long time – 40 members attended and Susan opened the meeting for the first time as our President.
Our speaker was Dominga Devitt who reminded us of lots of vintage adverts, some going back to the 1950s. Lots of memories for many of us, aincluding some jingles from adverts that we hadn’t heard for many years. Janet gave the vote of thanks.
We had a busy meeting, with lots of information for members about the many activities planned by Whitley and Cheshire. After the refreshment break we had a vote on the resolutions. We had 39 votes cast, and the results were
1 Let’s talk about incontinence – 15 2 Bystanders can be lifesavers – 12
3 Join the repair revolution – 1 4 Eliminate landfill of medication packaging – 11

The results of our vote will be reported to Cheshire.

Pat outlined our financial position and advised members that the subs for 2025 would be £51, payable by end of March 2025.
The competition was for ‘A Vintage Branded Food Tin’, won by Jean. Our winner for 2024 was Anne Toll.
Our next meeting will be on 6th March when our speaker will be Kim Smith from Radio Northwich with a theme of ‘Music is my first love’. The competition is ‘A favourite line from a song’ – just write your favourite on a piece of card/paper and put on the Competition table..

Jan 2025 Subgroup meetings

Book Club and Walking Group didn’t plan January meetings, just as well given the weather at the beginning of the month!.

Craft Group met to plan activities for the coming year – thanks to Annette for all the thought that she had put into this. Art Group painted landscapes and Baking Beauties made Gypsy Creams

Click on the blue links for more information and pictures of any of these groups

Our Darts group are through to the final of the Cheshire Darts competion – well done to them.

Jan 2025 – Main meeting by Zoom

Our meeting in the Village Hall had to be cancelled because of the extreme weather conditions but we did hold a Zoom meeting, arranged at short notice, to give members the opportunity for a catch up. Many had not been able to safely venture out for the last week.

Susan welcomed us to her first meeting as President and members were reminded of various events planned for the coming month or so, including a Whitley discussion of the 2025 resolutions on 16th Jan and Afternoon Tea on 18th Feb to celebrate our 87th birthday as a WI.

Jean give us a brief tour of the website, showing how to find the events planned for the next month or so, pictures of all our recent activities, and details of what the subgroups have been up to. She then shared pictures of the many Christmas activities that members had enjoyed during December.

We look forward to meeting up in person at our February 6th Main meeting to be reminded about Vintage Adverts

Dec 2024 Subgroup meetings

Book Club discussed ‘Red Joan’, a spy novel taking us back to the 1940s and the first nuclear bomb – a very thought provoking read. Walking group members – past, present and future were invited by Ann to a very enjoyable party at the village hall. Two separate groups from our Garden Interest group visited Smith’s nurseries in Lymm and created beautiful Christmas wreaths. Click on the blue/green links to see more information and pictures The Walking Group had a great Christmas Party at the Village Hall.

2024 Christmas Party

We had a really enjoyable ‘home-grown’ Christmas party, lots of time to chat and socialise. Forty-five of our members were welcomed with Christmas music and served a drink of wine or fruit punch. The tables were beautifully decorated with an arrangement of ‘Christmas wrapped’ pansies, one for each guest to take home with them, all sorted by Annette.

Delicious food was prepared and served by Pat and her team of helpers – locally baked quiches with ham, eggs and salad, followed by mince pies made by our members and mini fruit kebabs. Our meal was followed by different games – a fun quiz (no knowledge required!), a snowman drive (a change from beetles), and feely bags made up by Ann O’B.

Norah and Joyce judged the competition for ‘A Christmas Star’, won by Anne Toll ,and there was a free raffle with lovely prizes. Melanie was presented with a gift to thank her for all she has done as President over the last 3 years – she’s done an amazing job. We finished with a rendition of ‘Auld Lang Syne’, managing to manoevre our way into one large circle. Many members had brought along gifts for our local Food Bank which were much appreciated.

A very Happy Christmas to all our members