Art Group July 2024 – Painting ‘“En Plein Air”

Our Art group decided to have a go at painting an outdoor view and we met at Walton Gardens in July. The weather was kind and we gathered around the pond area, set up our equipment, and had a go at interpreting the lovely scene of the lily pond – we even had a heron posing high up on one of the trees. Most of our group chose to paint in Watercolours, but we did have one artist using Acrylics. We have a variety of skills and expertise, but it was good for everyone to have a go, and to…

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CFWI Literary Lunch

Hats off to our very own Pat S for organising a wonderful Literary Lunch at Nunsmere Hall on 17th July for 199 ladies! Seventeen of our members enjoyed the very sociable 2 course lunch. The sun even honoured us with its presence and we managed a stroll around the beautiful grounds before our guest author, Milly Johnson regaled us with her tales of how she got into the world of publishing, starting with writing verse for the Purple Ronnie range of greeting cards. Milly has just published her 22nd novel, all of which are based in the North of England…

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Craft Group July 2024 – Quilling

Twelve enthusiastic members of the craft group came along to learn the art of quilling from one of our own members. Sue had organised the afternoon so very well. We each had a pack of all we needed to make a card and we had splendid instructions so everybody was able to complete a card to take home. It is quite simple, but one does need patience and nimble fingers. After a time we all managed very well and had great fun choosing our flower colour and plant pot shape. It was amazing to see the difference in each card,…

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July 2024 – Subgroup meetings

The Book Club met to discuss The Library by Bella Osborne. The Craft Group had another really good meeting on the topic of Quilling and the Art Group painted outdoors in Walton Gardens – see separate posts for these. Walking Group went on one of their favourite walks from Acton Bridge – along the canal and the River Weaver, with a lunch at the Riverside. Baking Beauties experimented with baking Gluten Free, Helen C visited to give us some tips.

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Main Meeting – July 2024 – Honey Bees

Julia Young spoke to us at our July meeting with tales of sex, violence and adulteration in the life of the honeybee. Members got to look first hand at the intricate honeycomb made from beeswax that the bees use to store their food and raise their grubs. Julia is also a registered ‘swarm’ collector and is on hand to remove honeybees that have swarmed in the most peculiar places, including the back window of a car! Julia had brought some of her pure honey to sell and informed us that not all honey is equal and the vast proportion of…

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Group Outing to Saltaire – June 2024

Several of our members joined the Village Group trip to Yorkshire at the end of June. We visited Saltaire and had time to wander around the unique village of Saltaire – a world UNESCO site built by Titus Salt to house the workers for his woollen mills. The old mill now houses a permanant display of works by Bradford born artist David Hockney. An added bonus was the 1940’s festival taking place in the village with a tea dance at Victoria Hall and people dressed in 1940’s fashions. For those of us who walked over the river Aire to Roberts…

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The Royal Cheshire County Show

The theme for this year’s show was ‘The Olympics’. Despite a reduced space/number of classes this year Whitley WI still submitted a number of entries as well as providing helpers for refreshments and stewarding. Our main ‘team’ entry was in the ‘Teams’ section. The Craft group have been working hard for months on their entry – to depict ‘Team GB’. We included a range of items representing each of the 4 countries, with the items for judging being Whisky Marmalade for Scotland, a needle punched shamrock for Northern Ireland, a knitted guardsman and sentry box for Engand and a Bara…

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Main Meeting – June 2024 – An Embroiderer’s Tale

In June we held our traditional joint meeting with Dutton WI, it was great to welcome back old friends Our President, Melanie, opened the meeting with pictures of her visit to the NFWI Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall as representative of a few WIs in our area. It was her first National meeting and she really appreciated the opportunity to attend Click to read Melanie’s report on the event Our speaker for the evening was Tina Saunders with ‘An Embroiderer’s Tale’. She studied at The Royal School of Needlework and she showed us many of the amazing pieces…

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Bowls – Adelaide Hough Sheild

Twelve of our members competed for the Adelaide Hough Shield on Monday 10th June. Adelaide was a leading member of our bowls team for some years until ill-health prevented her from continuing. She donated this Sheild in 1991, and this was the 34th year the competition has been held – last year we had to abandon it because of torrential rain. This year, despite a very bad forecast, we were lucky with the weather with only one short spell of fairly light rain. It was particularly good to welcome Ann C and Eileen – who haven’t played bowls before –…

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