September Main Meeting – our September Show

Our September meeting took the form of a ‘show’ celebrating the talents and positivity of Whitley WI members, and their determination to take some positive experiences from the pandemic.

Our subgroup leads had set up tables displaying some of the work they had done over the past 18 months or so and they each gave a brief description of their groups activites. We had displays or input from Art, Baking Beauties, Book Club, Bowls and Darts, Craft, Garden Group and Walking.

Our President Melanie welcomed 36 members including 2 new dual members to the meeting. She reminded members of some of the recent activities, including the Autumn outing to Knutsford, and the trip to the Literary Lunch which featured in the Cheshire Life magazine, including pictures of some of our members.

Members then had plenty of time to look around the displays, chat to members about what they had been doing, and also to catch up with friends over delicious refreshments and fruit punch prepared by the Baking Beauties group

It was an amazing display of range of talents we have, and the way these groups provide the opportunity to share expertise, enjoy spending time together and, importantly, to make new friends.

It was good to see the return of the Trading Table, where members can sell plants, home made food, and any other items, with 10% of the proceeds going to WI funds

The competition was for the tallest sunflower, and the photographic entries varied from rather sad little specimens to our magnificent winner, a 10ft tall sunflower with a 5.5 inch flower grown by Sue Burtonwood. Apparently the secret weapon is a regular feed of liquid seaweed!

A really enjoyable and sociable evening, with a real ‘buzz’ evident throughout the evening.

August 2022 Evening outing to Knutsford

On a beautiful August evening 18 members met at the Heritage Centre in a lovely little courtyard just off King Street in the heart of Knutsford. We were joined by two tour guides who whisked us off in two groups to discover the hidden gems of this street. From the gates to Tatton Park at one end to the Grade I listed Unitarian Chapel at the other end we were amazed at just what we miss when we don’t look up and take in our surroundings.
The buildings designed by Richard Harding Watt stand out with their unusual stone outcrops – included to provide perches and roosting points for birds, especially pigeons, a favourite of Harding Watt! Unfortunately his Kings Coffee House at the base of the Elizabeth Gaskell Memorial Tower stands empty at the moment – partly due to the pigeon problem encountered by the last occupants.
The evening finished off with a meal at the former coaching inn, The Angel where two extra members were able to join us. All in all a most enjoyable evening!

July Main Meeting – Marbury Hall and Park

Our Speaker for the July meeting, Mary Jeeves, gave a fascinating talk about the history of Marbury Hall and park. Originally built as a Stately Home for the Smith-Barry family, and modelled on Fontainebleau, it was used as a Prisoner-of-war camp during the Second World War. ICI subsequently used the huts to house foreign workers and the Hall subsequently fell into disrepair and was demolished in the late 1960s, just before the legislation came in for the preservation of historic buildings

The grounds are a great amenity for the surrounding area and are very well used, including the unheated swimming pool which still opens seasonally.

The competition, a local photograph, was won by Janet Paterson with an old tithe map of Stretton.

June 2022 Main Meeting – Joint meeting with Dutton WI

We were hosted by Dutton WI for our June meeting. We enjoyed an interesting talk by two volunteers at Tatton Home Farm, Dave Thomas and Paula Martin who were dressed in the costumes of the Home Farm in the 1940s. They clearly are very committed to this project, and enjoy entertaining and informing visitors by getting ‘into role’ and dressing for the times. The Home Farm is clearly a really interesting outing, especially on one of the themed days when volunteers are in costume. It is always good to visit a different WI, meet some of their members, and see how they run their meetings.

May 2022 Whitley WI Platinum Jubilee celebrations

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee coincided with what would normally be our meeting night, and many of us joined Whitley and Dutton villagers at their Jubilee Party. Susan and Annette did a wonderful job liaising with the Village Hall committee and organising our WI contributions. This was a great opportunity to showcase some of our subgroups. The Craft Group decorated cake boxes which the Baking Beauty Group filled with delicious home-made biscuits. The Garden group painted plant pots and filled them with themed red/white/blue flowers. Members of the Art Group painted individual Jubilee cards, all different but all following the Platinum Jubillee Theme. A lovely social celebration.